On March 25, six Rangers from the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment competed in the annual Bataan Memorial Death March in White Sands, New Mexico. The Bataan Memorial Death March is a grueling 26.2 mile race through the high desert terrain of White Sands Missile Range, conducted in honor of the service members who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II.
The story of Bataan reflects one of the worst defeats in American military history: a four-month fight for the tiny peninsula of Bataan in the Philippine Islands; the first major land battle for America in World War II. On April 9, 1942, the American forces surrendered to their Japanese captors, who set them (including almost 12,000 American Soldiers) walking 66 miles to prison camp, a notorious walk that came to be known as "The Bataan Death March." Over the years, this race has become quite a tribute to the survivors of Bataan and is popular among military units. The Rangers competed in the Military “Heavy” category, requiring them to race in the desert with 35-pound packs over mountainous terrain.
In true Ranger fashion, the team finished in 2nd place, with a total time of 5 hours and 49 minutes! If you’ve ever run a marathon (without a pack through the sand), you would appreciate how fast this is. For more about the race, go to www.bataanmarch.com.
Above are pre- and post-race photos, courtesy of LTC Dave Hodne, commander of the 2nd Battalion. From right to left in the Pre-Race photo are:SPC Fernando Hernandez (C Co)SPC Jacob Dahl (B Co)CPT Ryan Tackett (HHC)SFC Shaun Curry (HHC)CPT Jacob Phillips (HHC)SGT Charles Martinez (A Co)
The Rangers accomplished this incredible result in the high desert after training in the “ideal” March conditions in the Pacific Northwest (sleet and rain), and while wrapping up a recent training exercise the Friday prior to the event. These Rangers can accomplish anything! We are so proud of you!