Buck is the best F16 pilot in the world! He got me up and down safely so there you go...he's the best! Right off the bat, we head into a zoom climb and next thing I know, I'm upside down over the base, waving to my kids. Then of course we have to buzz the folks below before setting off for the famous West Desert of Utah with unmatched training territory anywhere in the world. There, I have to admit, I finally got sick. Rolls, 7.5 Gs, supersonic, well, for someone who gets ill on a swingset, I was fully expecting to feel green. But wow was it worth it!And then a landing so smooth, I was sure we were still in the air. I am now the proud owner of the 466th Fighter Squadron Diamondback patch, and my own new call sign..."Charlie".
We had a special guest who happened to be in town, and was there to see my reaction to this once-in-a-lifetime experience...recently retired LTG John Bradley, former Chief of the Air Force Reserve. So great to have my friend there!
I am especially proud of our Air Force Reserve Wing at Hill Air Force Base right in my backyard (about 10 minutes from my home)...my 11 year old son is already making plans to work with Buck someday! Huge thank you to all our Reservists in all branches for burning it at both ends so you can be fully operational in our defense, even while you hold down your "day" jobs.